I actually love the beginning of the third, what a differnce few years make.
Nugget, congrats too!
I actually love the beginning of the third, what a differnce few years make.
Nugget, congrats too!
if he created them, then he would have had to use divine intervention to protect people from eating them or burning them.
even after being told not to and passing that knlowedge on, small children could inadvertently get into poison berries or mushrooms.
what about bacteria that causes extreme stomach problems like giardia?
Funny thinng about this thread is that only Ray (kudos to you, bro!) form the believer camp chimed in...jeez, god works in misterious ways...
hi there, this is my first post, but i've been buzzing around this site for years.. i got married at 18, hubby was 20, i was a regular pioneer and we were talking about serving in bethel.
fast forward - i left in 2004 after a 5 year battle with my conscience, family and friends who kept insisting that i was just "weak and needed to have another bible study".
however hubby and i stayed together although it was kinda on the understanding that we would just not talk about it.
Hi and welcome.
Depending on your local jurisdiction (no fault), you may be able to just file and be done with it quite easy. It looks like he abandoned you.
Court won't give a rats ass about "scriptual" grounds...Talk to a local divorce attorney and see if you can use the abandonment route.
Sorry that you have to go through this....and good luck!
so i haven't been to a meeting since last december.
the elders recently have come over to my house at random times of day and during the week and one weekends.
just to let you know, i have only had one visit since december.
Keep doing what you are doing. Unless they pay your bills, you have absolutely no obligation to give them any of your time...
(This was an attempt to say nicely f#@k them!)
i just received an email from an unbaptised publisher that made the following comment;.
in the uk the age of consent by law for a child is 16 and only then can they be baptized of their own free will.
is anyone aware of jws that have been baptised younger than 16 in the uk?.
You guys are missing the point.
Kids get in the pool by their own conviction and zeal to serve Jehovah. No contracts, implied or otherwise, are at play here.
for fu@$ sake.
6000 years of it and still figuring out this universal sovereignty.
gimme a break.
Watch this video by NonStampCollector. ^^^
for fu@$ sake.
6000 years of it and still figuring out this universal sovereignty.
gimme a break. this "an act of god", as described in so many legal documents?
page 8 of the latest wt (insider version) has a whole page dedicated to the question whether it is appropriate to sit next to a disfellowshipped child at meetings.. not sure how to paste this in, but check
perhaps someone can do this for me.. horrible, no words really on how pharisee like their cult grip and control has become!.
first of all, without any shame they are talking about disfellowshipped minors.
[I reconsidered posting what I actually typed. The number and variety of expletives would have had me banned]
brother of the hawk, newly enlightened & gojira, recorded an elder's meeting on 5/7/03.
both does a great job of defending me and making the elders look foolish!.
thank you raypublisher/jj and jwstruggle for the awesome job you did on it.. follow up story was not recorded but we will post it here hopefully over the weekend.. enjoy, it's pretty hilarious how they try to control us and come after me on a work of fiction!.
Well, for all you know, elder beefstick may have taken one to the crouch from a sister if he overstepped boundaries in a private setting.
I'd need Viagra too afterwards...
if there really is no god, then man really only has himself to blame for all this mess.... .
blaming god or satan would only seem like a cop - out, and an excuse for opression.. man may not be able to stop a tsunami or a hurricane, but we can absolutely stop wars and opression, violence and hatred.. come on people!!!
why is this so difficult to accomplish when we have the capacity to do so???
I didn't say impossible, I only said it is gointg to take a long time as societal develpoment and pressures are trying to counter the same forces that have slowly put us on top of the food chain.
And why exactly we NEED religion to enter the picture? God has had more than ample time to fix things and he has not bothered...